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Skin Care Title


Three Steps To A Beautiful And Healthy Tan


Tan Bella recommends you prepare for your visit to maximize tanning results.

  • Because your UV session at Tan Bella is like a full day of sun, please avoid additional indoor/outdoor exposure within the same day. DO NOT wear SPF to an indoor facility as it will significantly inhibit your results.
  • Shower and exfoliate before session
  • Avoid wearing lotions or oils
  • Arrive without makeup or remove upon arrival
  • Wear dark, loose fitting clothing
  • Pull your hair back


We hope you're having the time of your life. Some tips to remember during your sessions.

  • Tanning without lotion is like brushing your teeth without toothpaste. Lotion is necessary for keeping the skin hydrated so you will tan evenly.
  • We also strongly recommend using an SPF product designed just for the lips. Your lips do not contain melanocytes and cannot protect themselves. UV rays can aggravate cold sores. If you have a history of getting cold sores, SPF is extra important.
  • Please wear your provided eyewear!

After You Leave

We hope your skin is glowing and your results are extraordinary.

  • Your tan fades as your skin exfoliates. Tan Bella recommends using a high quality moisturizer and/or tan extender to keep skin hydrated to prolong the life of your tan. We carry both for your convenience.
  • Your spray tan will develop 4-­6 hours after you leave.
  • Please refrain from showering or sweating for a minimum of 4-­6 hours.